Oppo unveiled Find 7, the company’s first Snapdragon 801-powered smartphone earlier this month. It comes in two version, Find 7 with a Quad HD display and the Find 7a has a 1080p display. We already brought you the hands on impressions of the device, here we have the benchmarks of the smartphone. It is powered by quad-core Snapdragon 801 (MSM8974) 28nm HPm Krait 400 CPU clocked at 2.27 GHz with Adreno 330 GPU. It has a 5.5-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) IPS display, 2GB RAM and runs on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) OS with Color OS on top. Let’s check out the performance in a range of synthetic benchmark tests.
Quadrant Benchmark
It scores 22381 points in the Quadrant benchmark.
AnTuTu Benchmark 4
It clocked 36215 points in the AnTuTu Benchmark 4
Vellamo 2.0 HTML5
It scored 2997 points in the Vellamo 2 HTML 5 browser benchmark.
Vellamo 2.0 Metal
It scred 1269 in the Vellamo 2 Metal CPU subsystem performance test.
Linpack Single Thread
It managed to clock around 434.7 MFLOPS in the Linpack single thread benchmark.
Linpack Multi-Thread
It managed to clock around 822.7 MFLOPS in the Linpack multi-thread benchmark.
NenaMark 2
It clocked 62.1 fps in the NenaMark 2 GPU benchmark.
GFXBench 2.7 T-Rex (On screen)
It managed to clock 28.6 fps in the GFXBench 2.7 T-Rex OnScreen benchmark.
Basemark X 1.0 HD (Onscreen)
It clocked around 19.1 fps in the Basemark 1.0 OnScreen.
Basemark X 1.0 HD (Offscreen)
It tops the Basemark 1.0 Offscreen benchmark.
Basemark OS II
It scored 1014 points in the Basemark OS II benchmark. We will bring you the complete review of the smartphone soon, in the mean time check out the gameplay videos and gaming review on our YouTube channel.