Following televisions and tablets, Micromax has now started manufacturing handsets at their facility in Uttarakhand. Based in Rudraprayag, mobile phone production is at an initial stage. The same facility also produces the company’s LED displays and tablets.
“Micromax has manufacturing plant in Rudraprayag where it manufactures LED and tablets. The company started manufacturing mobile phones couple of months back,” a Micromax spokesperson told PTI.
IDC data suggests that the company is the second largest player in India in the mobile and tablet PC segment in India. The company has a market share of 16 percent in the smartphone space while the total percentage is 13 percent based on IDC data for Q4 2013. Tablet shipments touched 4.14 million units with a market share of 8.9 percent. It is worth noting that all tablets being sold by Micromax are being assembled in India itself.
Shifting production to India should help Micromax cut production costs which in turn will result in cheaper handsets for users thereby helping the company gain a stronger foothold in the Indian market. Micromax aims to double revenues to over Rs. 6,000 crore from Rs. 3,168 crore in the last financial year.
[Via – Economic Times]