Xiaomi launched its Mi3 smartphone at a competitive price tag of Rs. 13999 in India. It sold 20,000 units of the smartphone in the first two batches of sale. At the launch the company announced that it would launch several accessories such as Power Banks, In-the-ear headset and flip covers for the Mi3.
The Xiaomi Mi Power banks are now listed on Flipkart along with pricing, but it is currently out of stock. The 10400 mAh power bank is priced at just Rs. 999 and the 5200 mAh bank would cost Rs. 799. These have aluminum casing and uses dual battery cell technology. The battery pack is designed by Texas Instruments.
The Mi3 doesn’t come with a headset in the box. Xiaomi said that it would sell the official headset separately. The Mi ZBW4122IN in-ear headset is also listed on Flipkart, which is priced at Rs. 999. It is also out of stock. The Mi3 Flip covers are priced at Rs. 559, again this is also not in stock.
It is not clear when Xiaomi would begin selling these accessories in India. We managed to get one from China and unbox it recently. Check out the unboxing below.