Lava launched the Iris X1, the first smartphone in the X series back in May. Today Lava has announced that it would launch a new smartphone with a wide-angle front camera with LED flash in the X series soon. Sony launched the Xperia C3, a similar selfie-focused smartphone with a 5-megapixel front camera with LED flash recently. Lava did not reveal the resolution of the rear camera yet.
The smartphone would come with a 5-inch display, run on Android KitKat and it would be priced under Rs. 10,000, said the company. It will have an elegant design, it added. According to the teaser image, the smartphone has an LED flash in the centre, above the earpiece and has a similar design as the X1 smartphone.
Recently Lava Iris X5 was spotted in Zauba import/export database that revealed dual SIM support and 8GB of internal storage, so the upcoming X series smartphone could be Iris X5. We will let you know once Lava launches it in coming weeks.