Motorola has announced a bunch of cool accessories along with its next iteration of smartphones. The company has launched a Bluetooth headset in a form of a earbud that allows users to access all the important content by simple voice commands.
Priced at $149.99, the wireless earbud gives users a complete control of their phones thereby enabling them to make and receive calls, dictate and send messages, send voice commands to your smartphone and get notifications when you need them. It can even provides turn-by-turn navigation directions all without touching or looking at your phone.
The Moto Hint can be used with any smartphone but it is specifically designed to go along with the new Moto X thanks to its ability to recognize the new Moto Voice. Hands free calling is also possible with the Moto Hint up to 50 feet of roam range. It is a lightweight ear piece that fits comfortably in your ear and will be available later this fall in six different colors and patterns like white, metallic silver and black along with fabric, leather and wood.