Micromax launched the Canvas A1 (AQ4501), the company first Android One smartphone exclusively on Amazon.in earlier this week priced at Rs. 6,499. It is based on the Android One reference hardware, and the specifications of all the first set of Android One smartphones are similar. We got to check out the device, check out the unboxing below.
Box Contents
- Micromax Canvas A1 in black
- 2-pin charger (5V-1A)
- micro USB cable
- Standard headset with microphone
- Scratch guard
- 1700mAh battery
- User manual and warranty card
Micromax also bundles a free 8GB microSD card with all the orders on Amazon.
The front part of the smartphone is similar in all the Android One smartphone. The 4.5-inch (854 x 480 pixels) IPS display is too glossy. It runs on Android 4.4.4 (KitKat), which is almost stock. All the Android One smartphone would get software updates directly from Google. All these smartphones get 100MB of free data for software updates per month for six months and 200MB of free data for app updates per month for six months for Airtel customers. The circular earpiece grill is also similar in all the Android One smartphones.
The back cover has smooth matte finish. Even though all these have the same 5-megapixel camera module with LED flash, these have a different design for the camera part on the outside.
All these Android One brading on the back and the loudspeaker grill is circular in shape in both Micromax Canvas A1 and the Spice Dream UNO, but the it’s different in Karbonn Sparkle V. The smartphone is currently available only on Amazon and would be available for purchase from retail stores across India from early October. We will be bringing you the benchmarks and the complete review of the smartphone soon.