Samsung officially announced the all metal Galaxy A7 last month and the phone went on sale in India last week for Rs 30,499. We have already went hands on with the phone and seen the unboxing. Now lets take a look at walk through at the hardware of the device in this photo gallery.
The Galaxy A7 sports a 5.5-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD Super AMOLED display and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 Octa-Core (1.5GHz Quad A53 + 1.0 GHz Quad A53 ) with Adreno 405 GPU. Running Android 4.4 KitKat, the phone has 2GB RAM, 16GB internal memory, expandable up to 64GB with microSD.
The phone has a 5MP front-facing camera along with the usual proximity sensors and earpiece at the center along with the Samsung branding.
It has trademark home button and two capacitive touch buttons on either side. The phone measures 151 x 76.2 x 6.3mm and weighs 141 grams.
On the left side it has the volume rockers.
While the power button is present on the right side.
There are dual nano SIM slots on the right side. Also present on the right side is the hybrid dual SIM support that lets you use the second slot for SIM or expansion.
At the top the phone has microphone and Qualcomm 4G branding.
The micro USB port, the 3.5mm audio jack and the microphone are present at the bottom.
At the back there is 13MP rear camera with LED flash and 1080p recording. Next to the camera lens is the loudspeaker grill.
The phone has a metal body and the back cover cannot be removed. It also has the Duos branding below.
The phone has a 2600mAh battery and supports connectivity options like 4G LTE / 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, A-GPS/ GLONASS. The Galaxy A7 comes in Pearl White, Midnight Black and Champagne Gold colors.