Huawei Honor has launched Honor AP007 13000 mAh power bank in India. It has high quality circuit and professional architectural design with industry’s leading intelligent control chip and protection circuit design in order to provide security protection, says the company.
It has one-piece bracket design which is effective to ensure the safety of the batteries and electric circuit and has intelligent sleep and energy saving mode to ensure optimized power consumption.
The power bank has two USB slot with 5V – 2A output that lets you charge two devices at a time. There is a power button and LED indicators to show the charge. The power bank has gone through Reliability Testing that includes 1 m Height Drop Test, Vibration and Shock Test, Salt Spray and Shell Pressure Test, says the company.
The Honor AP007 13000 mAh power bank is priced at Rs. 1399 in India and goes on sale exclusively on Flipkart starting today.