Up until now, the upcoming update to the Samsung Galaxy A7 was believed to be packing a Snapdragon 615 processor, similar to the first version that was launched earlier this year. Now, a new listing on AnTuTu shows that there could be another version, one that is packing an Exynos 7580 processor.
The rest of the hardware specifications seem to be identical apart from the processor. The device has a 5.5″ 1080p display, 3GB of RAM, 16GB of ROM, a 13 Megapixel main camera and a 5 Megapixel front facing camera.
This listing does confirm the existence of a new variant of the A7, but what does that mean for the end user? Well, there are two possibilities. Either, Samsung have decided to go with the Exynos-powered variant instead of the rumored Snapdragon 615 variant for the new phone due to some reason. Or Samsung will launch 2 variants of the new Galaxy A7. The variant that users will get will depend on the region. The latter seems more likely when you look at Samsung’s device history and the various variants that come with it.
However, we wont know for sure which option Samsung chooses until the announcement is made official. But, we will keep you up to date on any further information that arises regarding the handset.