Vodafone India has sent out invites to announce a “new strategic national initiative to enhance mobile internet experience” at an event in Kochi, Kerala on December 8th. It is expected to launch its 4G services in the country on Tuesday, starting from Kerala. Sunil Sood Managing Director & CEO, Vodafone India will be present at the event, Suresh Kumar, Operations Director –South and Abhijit Kishore, Business Head –Kerala will also be present at the event.
Vodafone already announced that it will launch 4G services in India by December 2015, and recently announced that it will roll out 4G services in Kerala by December 2015. Kochi, Trivandrum and Kozhikode will be in the first wave of the 4G roll-out, which will be launched across the circle in a phased manner, the company had said earlier.
Vodafone already confirmed that Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Kochi circles will get 4G first. It acquired additional 4G (LTE) 1800 MHz spectrum in 5 circles – Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Kerala and Karnataka in February 2014 auctions.
Back in October Vodafone said that it had started testing 4G services in Kerala and has partnered with leading global technology infrastructure service providers for the network roll-out. It also said that it had already invested more than Rs. 350 crores in Kerala towards its network upgradation in the first six months of the current financial year.