OPPO launched the F1, its first selfie-centric smartphone in the new ‘F series’ for Rs. 15,990 in India recently. We already brought you the unboxing, benchmarks and the battery life test results of the smartphone, here we have camera samples from the smartphone. It has a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED Flash, f/2.2 aperture and Phase Detection Auto Focus (PDAF). Since it is a selfie-centric smartphone, it has a 8-megapixel rear camera with f/2.0 aperture. It doesn’t have a flash on the front, but it has option to use the screen as a flash light.
The camera UI is simple and is similar to earlier Oppo smartphones. It has toggles for flash and the front camera on the left. On the right it has options menu, shutter key that also lets you switch between photo and video and a image preview window. It has several camera features such as Beautify, Filters (Natural, Bright, Afternoon, Sunrise, Warm, Nostalgic, Tokyo, Sunlight, Gothic style, Yellowing and Mono), Panorama, HDR, GIF, Audio Photo and Super Macro. It also has RAW image capture support.
It also has Slow Shutter option that takes advantage of the custom hardware and software to capture which lets you take pictures with up to 16 seconds of shutter speed. You need a tripod for shake-free images. Since it has f2.0 aperture, light trail of traffic is washed out with 16 seconds shutter speed.
The Ultra HD mode lets you take images with a resolution of 51MP (8320 x 6240 pixels). This just increases the resolution of the images by stitching more images together, similar to the Super Zoom mode in the Find 7. This definitely offers more details since it has more resolution, but the quality is the same.
Daylight images were good in ideal lighting conditions and have great details, but some images are dull if the lighting is poor. Macro shots are pretty good with great details, thanks to the f/2.0 sensor. Focus is also quick since it has PDAF. HDR shots are good and are brighter than the normal shots since the saturation is more. Low light shots are just average, but the phone can’t handle completely dark conditions.
Single LED flash offers ample amount of light to brighten the environment in dark. Some images look washed out if you are shooting close-ups. Front-facing camera is good and the images are sharp with vibrant colors. Using the screen as flash is not bright enough so there is a lot of noise if you are shooting in low lighting conditions. Overall the phone has a good camera and a selfie camera for the price.
Check out the camera samples below (Click the image to view full resolution sample)
Ultra HD
Front Camera
It can record videos at 1080p full HD resolution at 30 fps. Video is decent offering vibrant colors, but it is not sharp. It has slow motion recording but it has an output resolution of 720 x 480 pixels, so it doesn’t have much details. Check out the 1080p video sample below.