Flipkart has started taking pre-orders for the Google Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones in India starting at Rs. 57,000, it had promised. Both these were announced at an event in San Francisco last week.
The Pixel has a 5-inch 1080p screen with a 2,770mAh battery, while the Pixel XL has a 5.5-inch Quad HD screen with a 3450mAh battery. Both these are powered by a quad-core Snapdragon 821 processor with 4GB of RAM, run Android 7.1 (Nougat), have a 12.3-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, PDAF, LDAF, 8-megapixel front-facing camera and a fingerprint sensor on the back.
Flipkart is offering No Cost EMI, up to Rs. 27,000 off on exchange, free EGVs worth 10% of the cost of phone for first 1000 pre-orders and 10% Instant Discount for SBI Credit Cards. According to Flipkart the orders will ship from 25th October.
Google Pixel and Pixel XL pricing in India
- Google Pixel 32GB – Rs. 57,000
- Google Pixel 128GB – Rs. 66,000
- Google Pixel XL 32GB – Rs. 67,000
- Google Pixel XL 128GB – Rs. 76,000
Update: Now both the Very Silver and Quite Black 32GB and 128GB variants are available for pre-order from Flipkart.
Google already said that both the phones will be available from over 1000 organized and multi-brand retail stores with leading retail partners including Reliance Digital, Croma and Vijay sales among others.
Check out our Pixel and Pixel XL hands-on and photo gallery.