Lenovo launched the Z2Plus, successor of last year’s Z1 in India last month exclusively on Amazon.in starting at Rs. 17,999. We already brought you the unboxing and benchmarks of the smartphone, here we have the camera samples from the smartphone. The Z2 Plus has a 13-megapixel rear camera with ISOCELL Sensor, f/2.2 aperture, PDAF and CAF auto focus, single LED flash and an 8-megapixel front-facing camera with 1.4um pixels and f/2.0 aperture.
The camera UI is simple with option to toggle flash, HDR, video camera, front camera and view images. Settings option lets you switch to slo-mo mode, time-lapse, choose aspect ratio (1:1 and 4:3) and panorama. You can also choose grid and location from the settings. It lacks RAW (.DNG) shooting and also doesn’t have manual mode. You can’t even control the exposure and white balance.
Coming to the image quality, daylight shots are good with all the details. HDR shots are good as well, but sometimes it is hard to focus for macro shots even with PDAF and CAF options. Images with flash are good since it is not over powering but low-light shots are poor and have a lot of noise. Front-facing camera is good for selfies and video chats.
Check out the camera samples (Click the image for full resolution sample)
Low Light
Front Camera
It can record videos at 4K resolution at 30 fps. Videos have good details and the audio is crisp, thanks to the secondary microphone. It has slow motion video recording at 120 fps, 240 fps and 960 fps at 720p. It just reduces the frame rate from the original video, so the quality is not that good.
Check out the 4K and 120 fps slow motion video samples below.
We will bring you the complete review soon.