OnePlus gave away some Gear accessories like T-shirts during Diwali Dash Sale last month. It started selling these Gear line of lifestyle products on its global store earlier this month and the company said that these products have been inspired by their fans around the world. Now these are available for purchase in India through its official store, as it had promised.
The OnePlus Travel Messenger Bags come in all-black canvas or light grey canvas with blue details, and in a premium leather option.
- OnePlus Dash Charge T-Shirt (Black – From S to 5XL sizes)- Rs. 999
- OnePlus Never Settle T-Shirt (White – From S to 5XL sizes) – Rs. 999
- OnePlus Travel Messenger Bag (Black / Blue Gray) – Rs. 2999
- OnePlus Travel Backpack – Rs. 2999
These products are shipped by Mobitech Creations Private Limited. The company did not say till when it would sell these products, but might sell out soon, so head to OnePlus Store if you want to get them.