Xiaomi today launched Mi Headphones Comfort, its latest closed-back wired headphones in India. It has a simple, lightweight design along with a comfortable headband and ear-cups made of plush, soft material that has intuitive controls on the left ear cup. Xiaomi says that the soft ear-cups have breathable pads that doesn’t strain your ears even with extended use.
Xiaomi Mi Headphones Comfort features and specifications
- Closed-back design with soft ear cups that are durable and dust-resistant
- Intuitive ear-cup control for attending calls, play/pause music, switch to previous/next tracks
- 1.4m Stretchable matte cable that are tangle-resistant
- Hi-Res audio quality certification
- High quality damping material for clear and sharp audio
- 32 ohm impedance, 20 to 40,000Hz frequency range
- Weight: 220g
The Xiaomi Mi Headphones is priced at Rs. 2,999 and will be available from Mi.com starting from 12PM tomorrow, April 18th.