After Bengaluru, Delhi-NCR, Chennai and Hyderabad, Xiaomi has opened its first Mi Home Store in Mumbai, which is located at Phoenix Market City Mall. The store was inaugurated by founders of Poorvika Mobile. This is the Eighth Mi Home Store in the country after after three Stores in Bengaluru, one in Gurugram, Noida, Chennai and Hyderabad. As it had promised back in May, it now has stores in major Indian cities.
Mi Home Store will let customers experience as well as buy smartphones, power banks, headphones, fitness bands, air purifiers as well as other ecosystem products that are launched in India.
It recently started taking pre-bookings for its smartphones at Rs. 499 and it offered an accessories gift voucher worth Rs. 599 with every pre-booking that you will get with your smartphone at Mi Home today. Xiaomi is running Diwali sale online as well as its Mi Home Stores offering discounts on smartphones and accessories.
Xiaomi already said that it expects to open 100 Mi Homes across India in the next two years.