Twitter now lets you add display name up to 50 characters in length

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Right after rolling out 280 characters for all a couple of days ago, Twitter is adding another update that will let you add your ‘display name’ up to 50 characters in length. The original length of display name was 20 characters, so now you can add emojis, middle names, or seasonal-themed display names without hitting the limit.

Though there was an initial mixed response for the 280 characters length, Twitter has come out with a blog post explaining how the new change isn’t that big a deal considering only 5% of Tweets sent were longer than 140 characters and only 2% were over 190 characters. As for the display name 50 characters length, the reactions are again mixed with few section of users already embracing the change, while few are questioning why the change.


It needs to be seen how Twitter is going to handle the negativity surrounding it for the handling issues like hatred and abuse, though it recently revised the policies.  It already said that it will share another version of rules on November 22.

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