Apple’s design team director Jony Ive regains his position after 2 years


Jonathan Ive; the man responsible for the design of many of the company’s most popular products has regained back his position of direct management of product design teams after two years. Jony Ive was named as the Apple’s chief design officer in 2015. 

He was later handed off some day-to-day responsibilities while Apple was building its new Apple Park headquarters in Cupertino, California. With the completion of Apple park, the design teams have once again started reporting to Jony Ive who is completely involved with the design.

During the time of Jony Ive’s involvement, with the Apple Campus, the company’s hardware and software design teams were led by Alan Dye and Richard Howarth, with the Apple Campus who directly represented Apple CEO, Tim Cook.

Jony Ive over the past couple of decades work included from the original iMac desktop computer in 1998 to the first iPod in 2001 and the iPad in 2010 which played a major role in the company’s growth.

Amy Bessette, a company spokeswoman, said in a statement said:

With the completion of Apple Park, Apple’s design leaders and teams are again reporting directly to Jony Ive, who remains focused purely on design.


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