Sony has announced that the Android 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich) update would be available for Sony Tablet S and Tablet P in late April 2012. This update will also include new features such as camera access from the lock screen, edit photos in the gallery application, taking panoramic pictures and Recopla app that allows users to stream recorded content from a Sony Blu-ray recorder.
The Small Apps feature would let you run apps such as small calculator, remote control or browser window on top of the current app. Sony unveiled these tablets in Japan last April and launched in India last December.
Sony has also announced Wi-Fi version of the Tablet P that would go on sale on April 21st in Japan for ¥50,000 (about $600) along with interchangeable front and back panels in gold, pink, and blue colors for ¥5,000 (about $60).
Source: Sony Japan (Japanese) | Via: The Verge