LG announced the Optimus LTE 2 in Korea earlier this month that boasts a whopping 2GB RAM. Now LG has detailed the specs. The phone would come with 4.7-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) True HD IPS Display and would be powered by 1.5GHz dual-core processor. It would run on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) with the latest Optimus UI 3.0. It has 8 megapixel auto focus camera at the back with LED flash and a 1.3-megapixel at the front similar to the Optimus LTE. It is 8.9mm thick and weighs 145g .
Other features include, 2GB DDR RAM, Wireless charging support, Bluetooth 4.0 LE version, NFC, USB2.0, DLNA and 2,150 mAh battery. It has a Time Machine Camera feature that lets you go back to view the images, 5-shot burst mode and voice recognition for taking photos. It also has 5.1-channel audio out and MHL interface.
The LG Optimus LTE 2 is priced at 935,000 South Korean won (~US$804) and would be available from various Korean carriers SK Telecom (SKT), Korea Telecom (KT), LG U+ stating this week. The wireless charging pad and an wireless charging battery cover would be available for sale separately .