MTS has launched new STD Voice Special Tariff Voucher (STV) and introduced MBlaze Data packs for their customers in Tamil Nadu. The new Rs.25 Special Tariff Voucher (STV) offers STD calls at 25 paisa per minute with a validity of 30 days. It will be valid for the first 250 minutes of STD calling, post that customers would be charged 50 paisa per minute for STD calls. The data packs start from Rs 96 that offers 1 GB of data to Rs 1499 that offers 15 GB of free data.
New MTS MBlaze Data tariffs for Tamil Nadu customers
Special Tariff Voucher | Existing Bundled Usage | New Bundled Usage | Validity (Days) |
Rs 96 | 0.5GB Unlimited | 1 GB Unlimited | 1 (24Hrs) |
Rs 248 | 350 MB | 1 GB | 30 |
Rs 348 | 512 MB | 2 GB Unlimited | 7 |
Rs 490 | New | 3 GB | 30 |
Rs 698 | New | 4 GB | 60 |
Rs 998 | 3 GB | 6 GB | 90 |
Rs 1499 | New | 15 GB | 90 |
In the Unlimited plans, speed would be throttled from 3.1 Mbps to 144 Kbps after free data usage. The existing customers in Rs 998 STV plan would get 6GB of free data instead of 3GB of data with a validity of 90 days. These plans are available from 18,500 retailers and 83 MTS branded retail outlets across Tamil Nadu.