Nokia has announced the Lumia 820, their new Windows Phone 8 device. It has a 4.3-inch (800 x 480 pixels)OLED ClearBlack display and is powered by a 1.5 GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor. It has a 8MP Auto Focus camera with Carl Zeiss optics and Dual LED flash at the back that can record videos at Full HD 1080p resolution at 30fps and a VGA front-facing camera.
Nokia Lumia 820 Specifications
- 4.3-inch (800 x 480 pixels) OLED ClearBlack display
- 1.5 GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor
- Windows Phone 8 OS
- 8MP Auto Focus camera with Carl Zeiss optics and Dual LED flash, 1080p HD recording at 30 fps
- VGA front-facing camera
- 1GB RAM, 8GB internal memory, expandable memory with microSD
- 4G LTE/ 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 3.1, GPS / aGPS, NFC
- 1650mAh battery with support for Qi wireless charging
The Lumia 820 would come in comes in red, yellow, grey, cyan, purple, white and black colors with exchangeable shells that also adds wireless charging. It is expected to start shipping in select markets later this year.