Samsung has launched the most expected Galaxy Note II in India. Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note II at IFA Berlin last month and the pre-booking started in India on Samsung eStore couple of weeks back. The Samsung Galaxy Note II comes with a 5.5-inch (1,280 x 720 pixels) HD Super AMOLED display, 1.6 GHz quad-core Exynos processor and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). It has a 8MP auto focus camera with LED flash at the back and a 1.9MP front-facing camera. It has S Pen that comes with S Pen specific apps such as S Note, S Planner, Email with hand-writing integration and S Pen Keeper that alerts users if their pen is too far away from the Note II.
The Air View feature lets users to hover with the S Pen over an email, S Planner, image gallery, or video to preview the content without having to open it. It also has unique features such as Air View, Popup Note & Popup Play, Smart Stay, Direct Call and Screen Recorder.
The connectivity features include, 3G HSPA+ (HSDPA: 21Mbps HSUPA: 5.76Mbps ), WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n (2.4 & 5 GHz), Bluetooth v 4.0, aGPS, mHL and NFC. It has 2GB RAM, 16GB internal memory, expandable memory up to 64GB with microSD and 3,100mAh battery.
The Samsung Galaxy Note II comes in Titanium Gray and Marble White colors and is priced at Rs. 39,900. It would be available from Samsung Smartphone Cafes, Samsung Plazas and select large format stores from tomorrow. It would be available from mobile outlets and retailers from next week.