Acer has launched the ICONIA B1, the company’s first affordable Android tablet in India. It was announced last week at CES 2013. It comes with a 7-inch (1024 x 600 pixels) capacitive multi-touch display, runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and is powered by a 1.2GHz dual-core Mediatek MT 8317T processor. It has a 0.3MP (VGA) front-facing camera for video chats. It is 11.3 mm thick and weighs 320 grams.
Other features include, 3.5mm audio jack, microphone jack, internal speaker, 512MB RAM, 8GB internal memory, up to 32GB expandable memory with microSD. The connectivity features include, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, micro USB and GPS. It has a 2710 mAh battery.
The Acer ICONIA B1 is priced at Rs. 7,999 and comes in black color with stylish blue streak on the sides. It would be available across India through Acer’s strong channel partner network.