Samsung launched the Galaxy Mega 5.8 sometime back and we’ve been putting the phone through its paces. The phone is powered by a 1.4 Ghz Broadcom processor paired with a VideoCore IV GPU. Synthetic benchmarks can tell quite a bit about the performance of a device and we’ve embedded some of the more popular ones below.
AnTuTu Benchmark
The phone scores just 9406 in the AnTuTu benchmark which places it quite low even amongst the mid range handsets.
In the GPU centric Basemark benchmark, the phone scored 8.476 FPS and 3.247 FPS which is pretty good given the competition. The VideoCore IV GPU performs well enough.
With a score of 18 FPS in GFXBench, the Mega 5.8 lines up right alongside Grand Duos.
The Galaxy Mega 5.8 achieved 9.4 in the GFX Benchmark.
Linpack is a CPU centric benchmark where the Galaxy Mega 5.8 managed to score 82.802. This places it in the lower half of the competiton.
In the popular Quadrant benchmark, the Galaxy Mega 5.8 scores 4265 points. We’ll have the full review soon.