Reliance Communications (RCom) has launched the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C in India as they promised. We reported that the operator plans to launch these phones in India with attractive plans with a 2 year contract. Now the company has detailed those plans. The company has announced two new offers, Rs. 2,599 per month for the iPhone 5c and Rs 2,999 per month for the iPhone 5s with a 24 month contract. This include the handset cost, unlimited local and STD calls, SMS’, national roaming and 3G data. This makes RCOM the first company to launch the iPhone with no down payment plans.
Reliance also promises that Apple iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s customers in the offers will not receive any usage bill for 24 months, as the monthly payments include all usage charges. All you need to pay is the charges of international calls and international roaming charges. As per TRAI’s guidelines SMS usage is restricted to 3,000 SMS per month, but Voice calls and 3G data is unlimited.
The zero down-payment offers are available on the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s 16GB models. For the 32GB and 64GB models you need to pay respective one-time upfront payment. Check out the details of the plans in the table below.
Plan | iPhone 5c (16GB) |
iPhone 5c (32GB) |
iPhone 5s (16GB) |
iPhone 5s (32GB) |
iPhone 5s (64GB) |
Monthly Fee (Rs.) | 2,599 | 2,599 | 2,999 | 2,999 | 2,999 |
Down Payment (Rs.) | 0 | 11,600 | 0 | 10,992 | 19,992 |
Voice Minutes (Local & STD) across all networks) |
Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
SMS (Local & STD) across all networks |
Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
3G Data (MB) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
The iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c is available for purchase at any Reliance outlets in the 13 3G circles including Metros (Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata). Data usage benefits will be applicable on Home and Roam networks anywhere in India and Reliance promises maximum 3G data speeds of up to 21 Mbps, and on GPRS speeds for non-3G circles. Reliance ha salso announced that corporate users of Apple products can port to the Reliance network through MNP. The company also offers dedicated helpline for Apple customers regarding such assistance and inquiries.
People who cannot buy the new iPhone 5S and 5C by paying the full amount can utilize these offers to pay month. If you are are Citibank credit card holder, you can get 10% cash back on these phones today. India’s largest operator Airtel is yet to announce their bundled plans.