Launched at a pocket friendly price of Rs 12,999 MRP, Xolo Q900 offers a bunch of regular android phone features powered by a 1.2 Ghz quad-core processor. Here is the unboxing of the phone.
The Xolo Q900 is wrapped in a basic white box with the key features highlighted on the backside- like a 1.2 Ghz quad core processor, 4.7 inches of screen and battery strength i.e. 1800 mAh.
A slide out tray holds the phone set.
First impression – phone is bulky and thick. It is a bit heavy, with the battery loaded in it.
The body is covered in a glossy polycarbonate material. USB slot and audio jack placed on top. The phone as you can see, is rather thick at 137 x 70 x 9.9mm dimensions.
Volume rocker hard key and power key sit on the sides.
The accessories in Xolo Q900 box are better than I expected for a phone priced at Rupees 12,999/- .
In the phone box, right below the phone set is a screen wiper and an extra screen protection plastic.
The headsets have the slanted earpods and seem more comfortable to use than regular earpods. White headsets to accompany a white phone.
There is a USB connector, a 1800mAh lithium polymer removable battery, two booklets, one is a user guide. The charging plug is in another section of the box. All accessories are white in colour to match the phone shade.
Rare camera is 8MP one LED flash and with BSI sensor that allows better pics in less light.
The back side of the phone is easy to remove and what do we see here.. two sim slots and a micro SD slot. Xolo Q900 has 4 Gb inbuilt memory and 1 Gb ram.
Screen is 4.7 inch diagonally with 1280 X 720 pixels.
There is a 2 MP camera, in front. Xolo Q900 uses a mediatek MTK 6589 chip. The operating system is Android 4.2.
We will bring you the benchmarks, gameplay videos and the complete review of the phone in a week.
Images were taken with a Nikon 3100D DSLR camera 1/200 and F=7.6 and the camera was set on auto focus.