LG has just announced at the LG Tech Show 2014 event that the company would launch the LG G2 4G LTE version in India mid-March 2014. It would be priced at Rs. 46,000 for the 16GB variant and Rs. 49,000 for the 32GB variant. The 3G variant of the LG G2 was launched in India back in September last year starting at Rs. 41,500.The 4G variant would also have similar features, including a 5.2-inch (1920×1080 pixels) Full HD IPS display at 423 ppi, 2.26 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 800 (MSM8974) processor with Adreno 330 GPU and runs on Android Jelly Bean. It has a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED Flash, Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS), 1080p video recording and a 2.1-megapixel front-facing camera. It packs 2GB DDR3 RAM, comes with 16GB / 32GB of internal memory and has a 3000 mAh battery.
The LG G2 4G LTE would go on sale in India around mid-March, which is just couple of weeks away. LG has also showcased the LG G Pro 2 at the event, but it did not reveal the pricing or the launch date yet.
Shilpa Dhamija contributed to their report