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We are always looking to cover good stories from across the web and if you happen to have any leaked product information, knowledge about a new invention, new mobile software, details regarding the availability and pricing of any electronic gadget in your region, then please feel free to send them in! Your interest in helping us cover all the latest news is greatly appreciated.

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71 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. dear sir i need to buy 6234 where should i go or any website where can i purchase please let me know

  2. dear sir i need to buy 6234 where should i go or any website where can i purchase please let me know

    please call me 09827030026

  3. Dear Sir,

    First and foremost, you should learn some basic rules of organizing these comments (or Replies, as you say) and arrange them in descending order (i.e. latest first).

    Second, You are not doing your job properly, because I am one of your very old subscribers, and I depend upon your “PRICE-LIST” to check out the market trends. You say that you UPDATE your Price-List on the monthly basis,
    but it has been more than two months (mind you, last updated on June 6th, and it is 22nd August 2008 today), that it has NOT been updated.

    Please take care of your website and the expectations of your subscribers too … !!!


  4. i want buy a software searching lost mobile phon
    from imei no…
    plz send ur contect no:

    reply soon…..

  5. Sir,

    I had purchased a Mobile Model no. 6275 bearing I.M.E.I No. 03713383681
    on 17th May, 2008 , Invoice No. 7985 from M/s Saurabh Communications World, WZ- 109, Street No. –1 Sadh Nagar, Palam Colony, New Delhi – 45.

    After a month I started facing some display and sound related problems with the hand set. I gave the hand set to Nokia Care Centre, M/s OM Ujala Communication. F-5, Manish Link Road Plaza-1, Sector- 5, Dwaraka, New Delhi-75 , for rectification of the same.

    I was given the expected date of delivery of the repaired hand set after 10 days.
    I contacted the Nokia Care Centre for my hand set after the due date but I was told to wait for 10 more days as the hand set was still under repair. Again after 10 days when I contacted the Nokia Care Centre for the hand set I was again told to wait for some more days. After a month again when I contacted the Nokia Care centre I received the hand set with the answer that this hand set could not be repaired and Nokia takes no warranty for such repairs.

    This was how I was harassed for a month by the Nokia care centre without any fruitful results at the end.

    This kind of a customer service is not expected by a company like Nokia, so I make humble request to please look into the matter and solve my problem without any further delay .

    Baljeet Solanki.
    Palam Village, New Delhi -45
    Cell no. 9213742928

  6. I have booked com;plaint of mob IMEL No- 359019018140530 MODEL No- K550i.
    Board was sent to Delhi for raoairing pl reply the condition.

    mob- 09451393837

  7. Ihave purchase a t250i sny mobile.but i have face network problem in mobile.When i was talk somebody ,always face a communication problem.pleze replace a handset.


  8. Please call me Iam incoimbatore India and want to purchase a n95 Iam confused please help I will buy Please cll me at 9952438363

  9. I want data base of mobilephone s-920(spice), can you provide me the details and cost of the cd plz.

  10. Your web portal is best place to know the latest news on mobile devices, reviews, prices etc. i am really fond of this site and have been visiting since 2years and am really satisfied. thanks to all ur team. i would like to aks you one thing why your price list is not updated since 23 August 2008. pls update it so that it help us in planning and buying cellphone. i am a mobile freak.

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