Toshiba unveils application processor for Wearable devices

The wearables market is the next battleground for the manufacturers and it has become pretty evident that everybody has their eyes on the smart watch category as Google had just announced Android Wear for wearables. While most manufacturers are busy building products to reach the consumers, Toshiba has taken a turn and has just announced an application processor for the wearable devices.

Toshiba TZ1001MBG application processor

The application processor – TZ1001MBG, is the latest addition to the ApP Life products from Toshiba and the shipments are expected to start from May 2014 while mass production is set to start in September.

Toshiba’s latest chip combines a accelerometer, processor, memory and low energy bluetooth and a new higher end model, TZ1011MBG, will come with all the aforementioned components as well as a gyroscope and magnetometer. Toshiba claims that these new chips will be very small and consume less power, thus making it ideal for wearables.

The wearable market is indeed starting to come together and Toshiba is among the first to target the manufacturers instead of consumers. Lets see how things turn out in the wearable market.

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Author: Monish Kumar

Monish is passionate about smartphones who is also interested in User Experience and Design. He is currently using Samsung Galaxy S3. You can follow him on Twitter and Google+