Opera Booth at SEE2009


Back in October 2009 FoneArena was at Symbian Exchange 2009 and we got a chance to meet the folks @ Opera Software . Here are some photos from the Opera BoothNokia E52 was running Opera Mini 5


Nintendo DSi


The Orange Tabbee caught our attention as it was a touchscreen internet tablet based on the ARM11 architecture

Sadly the Tabbee is available only in France.

There were some cool Opera Bouncy Balls up for grabs !

We got ours !

Opera Mini Globe

This was the coolest part . A Real time Opera mini usage map displayed in 3D on a large screen. You could use a joystick to get to any part of the globe and view the usage for that region

Here is the Indian subcontinent

and Here is India !

India has one of the largest Opera mini users

Hope you enjoyed the pics !

Team FoneArena: A team of mobile geeks
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