Apple’s new “Powerful” ad makes you feel powerful if you own an iPhone 5s

Apple had almost stopped promoting its flagship offering – the iPhone 5s since launch and now, out to the blue, Apple has launched a new Ad for the iPhone 5s and it has also created an exclusive webpage for the ad with links to apps that are featured in the Ad.

The new Ad is aimed to make you think that you and your iPhone are much more powerful that you have known. The new ad shows off cool things that you can do with your iPhone. The app shows off people creating music with their iPhone, tracking their health(we assume that it is just a precursor to what Apple has really planned with their rumored iWatch), playing games, tracking stars, translating languages on the go and shooting videos.


Among the six applications that Apple has featured in its iPhone 5s Powerful page, four of them are available on Android and only two are exclusive.

Monish Kumar: Monish is passionate about smartphones who is also interested in User Experience and Design. He is currently using Samsung Galaxy S3. You can follow him on Twitter and Google+
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