Yahoo Mail for iPhone undergoes a makeover with new features

Yahoo has revamped it Mail app for iPhone to make it more personal. For starters, the Yahoo iPhone mail app will provide users with personalized news from the Yahoo News team. The app now boasts of Mail, News, and Today icons at the bottom of the screen, which let you access communications, news, information in a single integrated experience.

Today we’re introducing a new Yahoo Mail app for iPhone and iPod touch so all the information that’s most important to you is right at your fingertips. We’ve designed it with a focus on simplicity: it’s the familiar Yahoo Mail experience, plus one-tap access to personalized, real-time information.

said, Andrew Molyneux, Senior Product Manager, Yahoo Mail in a company blog post.

The Today tab offers users with content they want to know everyday like weather, stock, photos, sport scores and more. It seems like Yahoo is taking on Google Now by providing users with more personalized content. Yahoo has been urging users to shift to its platform by rolling out various revamp and updates to most of its offerings ranging from Weather app to Tumblr.

The latest update is currently only available to the US iPhone users running iOS 7 and up and would roll out globally in the couple of weeks.

Sneha Bokil: Sneha Bokil is a tech enthusiast and is currently using OnePlus 3T but she still treasures her Nokia N70 (M). You can follow her on Twitter @snehabokil and on Google+
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