Twitter clocks 255 million monthly active users, 198 million on mobile

Twitter has announced that it has more than 255 million monthly active users of which 14 million were added in Q1. The micro blogging site recorded a mere 6% rise from the 241 million users reported in the fourth quarter and 25 percent year-on-year in terms of user base.

twitter logo

The company also stated that it had 198 million mobile monthly active users, an increase of 31% year-over-year, which represented 78 percent of its total monthly active user base. The number of timeline views rose 6% to 157 billion from the fourth quarter.

Twitter revealed a total revenue of $250 million in the first quarter of 2014, up 119% year over year. Advertising accounted for 90 percent of the revenue ($226 million), a line item jump of 125 percent year-over-year for the quarter. Mobile advertising revenue was approximately 80% of total advertising revenue.

“Revenue growth accelerated on a year over year basis fueled by increased engagement and user growth,” said CEO Dick Costolo in the earnings release. The company also projects revenue to hit $1.2 to $1.25 billion in 2014. Twitter is striving hard to increase its user base by changing its look on mobile as well as web. A recent report from Twopcharts revealed that 44% of 974 million registered users have never sent one single tweet.

Facebook announced in its latest earnings call that it has 1 billion mobile monthly users. Hence, Twitter has long way to go in to match with the social network.


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Author: Sneha Bokil

Sneha Bokil is a tech enthusiast and is currently using OnePlus 3T but she still treasures her Nokia N70 (M). You can follow her on Twitter @snehabokil and on Google+
