LG unveiled its wearable fitness devices, the Lifeband Touch and Heart Rate Earphones earlier this year at the CES in Las Vegas. Today LG has announced that it would start selling these starting this month in the U.S. The Lifeband Touch is a smart fitness band that also shows notifications for incoming calls and messages from your Android or iOS devices on full-touch OLED display when connected. It also lets you control music.
It has triple-axis accelerometer and an altimeter sensors that tracks your fitness data in real-time. It works with MyFitnessPal, Runkeeper and MapMyFitness apps. It also has motion-sensing algorithm that automatically turns on the display when user rotates the wrist. It also comes in three variants.
Lifeband Touch specifications
- 0.9-inch OLED (128 x 32)
- Bluetooth 4.0
- Length: 196mm (XL) / 181mm (L) / 166mm (M)
- Weight: 53.1g(XL) / 50.1g(L) / 49.9g(M)
- 90 mAh battery with up to 5 days of usage
The LG Heart Rate Earphones uses PerformTek sensor technology to measure heart rate by measuring blood flow signals in the ear, while also delivering excellent sound. It can be used alone or with LG Lifeband Touch. It also comes with a clip-on medallion that connects to smartphones over Bluetooth to send data also receive audible status updates of heart rate and VO2 max (maximal oxygen consumption) levels in real time.
LG Heart Rate Earphones specifications
- Bluetooth 3.0 connectivity
- Dimensions: 46 x 33 x 17mm
- Weight: 26.7g (Earphones) / 18g (Medallion)
- Others: Hands Free Call, Voice Guide
- 200mAh battery
The LG Lifeband Touch would first launch in the U.S. on May 18 and would be rolled out in Asia and Europe soon. The LG Heart Rate Earphones would also roll out starting this month. We will get to know the pricing once it goes on sale.