A Comparision between Nexus One, iPhone 3GS and Moto Droid

There has been a lot of action going on the web with respect to Nexus One, with leaked pictures, unboxing videos etc doing the rounds. And with such excitement around the phone, it is sure on its way to be one of the most highly anticipated phone of 2010.

Now that the Nexus One specs are out, the website ismashphone has compared the 3 currently most popular phones in the world i.e. the Nexus One, iPhone 3GS and the “mean machine” Motorola Droid.

See the Full Spec List Comparision Below:

Image Credit: ismashphone.com

Vikas SN: A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at Techknots.com and Tweets as @tsuvik
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