The stories of 3G iPhone in the process of being launched are hotting up day by day. First it was an Analyst from Gartner who said that Apple has given order of 10 million 3G iPhones. The moment this news came out people went mad and then guys at Gartner realized that they might have started a fire which might be very difficult to curb if it goes on spreading. So they told the media that they didn’t actually mean by what they said, God only knows what they meant when they told the world about the 10 million iPhone order from Apple. iPhone is so hyped up that even big analyst firms and analyst from leading investment banking companies are predicting new things about iPhone every day. Latest being, an Analyst from Bank of America predicting that Apple will be coming up with a 3G version of iPhone in May 2008. He has also said that Apple will be launching 11 million iPhones in 2008 and AT&T has also confirmed that the new iPhone will be coming in August and i think most probably it will be a 3G one. One more Analyst has said that Apple will be coming with two kinds of iPhones in 2008 one 3G and the other for $400. Everybody is making their own predictions about iPhone and Apple till now is keeping mum about this, hey Apple please tell the world what you gonna do with the 3G iPhone other wise our readers/mailboxes will keep on getting all these rumors.