Xolo has launched the Xolo Win Windows 8.1 tablet exclusively on Flipkart. It was unveiled at CES 2014 earlier this year and packs a 10.1-inch (1366 x768 pixels) display and is powered by a 1GHz dual-core AMD Temash A4-1200 processor with AMD Radeon HD 8180G GPU. It has a 2-megapixel rear camera and a 1-megapixel front-facing camera.
It also comes pre-loaded with Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013. It has 2 GB RAM, 32 GB of internal storage with expansion slot.
It also come with a range of offers from Flipkart that includes, up to Rs.5,000 off in exchange of select gadgets such as laptop, smartphone or laptop, Rs. 200 cashback on rating or reviewing it post purchase, 50% Off on purchase of Rapoo E2700 Wireless Keyboard (available till June 30th) and pre-selected eBooks worth Rs. 1500. It also offers Rs. 1000 cashback for 10 customers based on lucky draw.
Xolo Win specifications
- 10.1-inch (1366 x768 pixels) display with 10 fingers touch
- AMD A4 -1200 Dual Core 1.0 GHz Processor “Temash” Generation
- AMD Radeon HD 8180G Graphics
- Camera – Front: 1 MP, Rear: 2 MP
- Windows 8.1
- 2 Speakers: 1.5W each
- Dimensions: 266 x 167.8 x 12mm; Weight: 750 grams
- WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, HDMI Port, USB port
- 2GB DDR3 RAM, 32GB Internal Storage, micro SD slot
- Battery – 2 SIP, 7.4V, 3550 mAh, 26.27 W; Battery Life: 7 hours; Charging Time of < 3hrs
The Xolo Win comes in black color and is exclusively available on Flipkart for Rs. 19,990. Check out the Xolo Win hands-on from the CES 2014.