After LG and Motorola, it looks like Samsung is the next company which is making a smartwatch that is powered by Google’s Android Wear. SammyToday has spotted a smartwatch filing by Samsung that was posted on FCC website. Dubbed SM-R382, the FCC documents reveal that the smartwatch is smaller than than the Gear 2 by 10 mm / 0.39 inches.
The smartwatch will have WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity as per reports. The FCC does not provide any more details, but the dimensions and images indicate towards a possible Android Wear smartwatch. Also, a leak last month had revealed that Samsung is working on an unknown Gear wearable device with the same model number SM-R382.
Samsung first launched its Galaxy Gear line of smartwatches that were powered by Android. However,soon the company made a shift to Tizen OS with an update. If these reports are true, will Samsung chuck out its Tizen powered smartwatches completely and foray into Android Wear?
LG G watch and Moto 360 smartwatches that are powered by Android Wear are already expected to be shown off at Google’s I/O developer conference. So will Samsung join these two companies and launch a third smartwatch with Android Wear? We will have to wait till the I/O on June 25 and 26 for the same.
Via:Sammy Today