Samsung has updated its smartwatch Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo with few major features. The Tizen powered smartwatch adds Blocking Mode, which essentially enables users to mute notifications. Users can either keep the blocking mode active all the time or when they do not want to be disturbed. They can also set it to auto enable when you’re asleep. This feature is similar to the Blocking mode available on Samsung smartphones.
The version is a 20 MB update that brings improvements to S Health along with a number of stability enhancements and bug fixes. In order to update Gear 2, users will need to open up your Gear Manager app on your smartphone. Samsung ditched Android OS and rolled out a line of Gear smartwatches that are powered by Tizen. The Galaxy Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo went on sale in India in April last month.
Source: SamMobile