Gold iPod Touch for Beckham

Ok this post is not about any phone or any thing related to mobile handsets. I am writing this cause I think this ones special and needs a mention on this blog. David Beckham recently completed 100 caps for appearing for an international team. He has become the 5th England player to grab this honor, so to show their respect and love towards him players in the England team presented him with a 32Gb iPod Touch. Thats not all the iPod touch’s back is engraved with the letters, ” DAVID BECKHAM For his 100th Cap” and yeah last but not the least it also has England’s Footballing Logo engraved. David msut be on the top of the world after receiving this gift and Posh Spice will make sure that the 32 Gigs are filled with only Spice Girl hits. The only this that relates this blog and this post is that iPhone is an improvised version of iPod touch with voice functionality 😉

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Author: Team FoneArena

A team of mobile geeks