Spice retail launched the Spice Smart Pulse M-9010, a smartwatch with dual SIM support and voice calling capabilities, priced at just Rs. 3,999 (MOP). Other than voice calling and messaging, it has a 1.5-inch QVGA touchscreen, audio and video player, microSD expansion slot and even a VGA camera with LED flash. It has menu, home and back buttons that are usually seen on Android devices, but this runs on proprietary Java-based OS. Check out the unboxing below.
Box Contents
The small box is filled with lots of accessories. The box contents include,
- Spice Smart Pulse M-9010 smartwatch
- 2-pin charger
- USB charger cable (to charge the Bluetooth headset)
- micro USB cable
- Earphone with microphone (Connects via micro USB)
- 420mAh battery
- User manual and after sales service centre list
- Bluetooth headset
- 2 wrist bands in yellow and blue colors
The bundled Bluetooth headset can be charged using the same charger, but it uses a different cable with a proprietary connector instead of micro USB used for the smartwatch.
Spice Smart Pulse M-9010 specifications
- 1.5-inch (240 x 320 pixels) touchscreen display
- Audio and video player
- Dual SIM (2G + 2G)
- Digital camera
- Make and Receive calls
- Phonebook capacity: 300 + storage on SIM cards
- Expandable memory up to 8GB
- Supports English and Hindi languages
- FM Radio
- 2G (EDGE), Bluetooth
- 420 mAh battery with up to 180 minutes talk time and up to 2 days standby
It has a VGA camera with LED on the right side. You can use the camera to capture images or even pair with Android smartphones via Bluetooth and use it for remote camera captures. It also has remote notifier option that offers Android notifications from smartphone or a tablet on the smartwatch once paired and the companion Bluetooth notification APK is installed on your Android device.
It has a power button and a micro USB slot on the left side.
You can open the back cover, which houses a 420 mAh removable battery. Under the battery there is a microSD card slot and two SIM card slots. One is a standard mini SIM slot and the other one is a micro SIM. It is 13.6 mm thick, bit thicker than most other smartwatches, mainly due to the removable back and the slots.
We will be brining you the complete review of the Spice Smart Pulse M-9010 soon.