Asus launched the Zenfone 6, top-end smartphone in the Zenfone series in India recently. We already brought you the unboxing, benchmarks and the photo gallery of the smartphone, here we have the camera samples of the smartphone. It has a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, BSI sensor, five-element lenses, f/2.0 aperture and comes with optical image stabilization. The whole package is called the “pixelmaster” by ASUS.
It has several modes such as (Auto, Time rewind, HDR, Panorama, Night, Low light, Selfie, Miniature, Depth of field, Smart remove, All smiles, Beautification and GIF animation). Check out some camera samples below (Click the images to view the full resolution samples.
Daylight shots are decent and the colors are vibrant, but minute details seems to be missing. If there is not enough light, images seem dull.
HDR shots came out pretty good, but it could be better.
Depth of field
The Depth of field option is pretty interesting. It blurs out the background if you focus on a object, but if its a moving object some parts doesn’t get blurred out, making it look uneven.
Thanks to the f/2.0 aperture, macro shots came out pretty good. Touch to focus works pretty good in macro shots.
Night Mode
There is a separate night mode option that captures slightly better images by increasing the ISO.
Low Light
It has a separate low light mode that reduces the image size to 3-megapixel. It uses different image-processing techniques to reduce noise and boosts color contrast.
Flash is not overpowering. Sometime this acts a disadvantage since it doesn’t brighten up the shots.
It can record videos at 1080p full HD resolution. Video quality is above average. It has dual microphones for better audio recording. Check out the full HD video sample below.
We will be bringing you the complete review of the smartphone later this week. If you want to know anything specific about the smartphone, let us know in the comments section below.