YouTube for Android updated with minor Playlist enhancements

YouTube is bringing some new tweaks to playlist management in the latest update. The version now gets a contextual menu that provides quicker access to pre-existing features. An action overflow button will appear next to each result at the time of  searching for a playlist.

By tapping this button users can easily share or save playlists to your sidebar for quick access later. Each playlists now shows the number of items in the list as well. Another small change can be seen in the “Liked Videos” where users will see a “+” option to add that video instead of a ‘thumbs up’ button to like a playlist. In addition there is now a”View All” button under the playlists in the slideout menu on the app and this enables users to access all their playlists.

Other minor changes include video quality selector to choose between different resolutions, bug fixes and improvements for voice search and in general. The update is yet to be officially rolled out for Android but users can opt for the APK file from the source link below.

via:Android Police

Sneha Bokil: Sneha Bokil is a tech enthusiast and is currently using OnePlus 3T but she still treasures her Nokia N70 (M). You can follow her on Twitter @snehabokil and on Google+
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