Celkon launched its Millennium series last month that includes, Millennium Elite Q470, Millennium Power Q3000 and Millennium Vogue Q455 smartphones running Android KitKat. The company is all set to launch the Millennium Ultra Q500, a new smartphone in the Millennium series later this month.
The Millennium Ultra Q500 would come with a 5-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) IPS display based on One Glass Solution (OGS), powered by a quad-core processor and run on Android 4.4 (KitKat) OS. It would come with 2GB RAM, 16GB of internal storage with expansion slot, front and rear cameras. Other specifications of the smartphone are not available at the moment.
The Celkon Millennium Ultra Q500 will be priced at Rs. 9,999. It would be available for pre-order exclusively from Flipkart starting August 14th and would launch on August 24th.