Google Mobile App for BlackBerry Gets Updated. Now Search your email and contacts with ease

If you possess a BlackBerry and use the built-in Messages and Contacts apps, its now much easier to search emails and contacts on your device by using the new version of Google Mobile App.

Just enter your query, either by text or voice and Google Mobile App will search through all the emails and contacts available on your device and present you with all the relevant emails/contacts. You can then call that contact or do a quick reply to that email.

You can also Call/ SMS, or email any specific contact by typing only the first few letters of your contact’s first or last name, and then pressing the respective button. Google Mobile App also promotes the frequently contacted people to the top of the suggestions list.

You can also switch between device results (i.e. email and contacts) and web results by clicking on the link underneath the search box.

And Finally, if you  don’t want Google Mobile App to search your email and contacts, you can turn it off in the options screen of Google Mobile App.

To download the latest version of Google Mobile for BlackBerry, just head over to on your BlackBerry Device.

Note: This Search function works on all the BlackBerry Devices running on OS version 4.5+.

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Author: Vikas SN

A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at and Tweets as @tsuvik