Motorola reduced the pricing of both the 8GB and 16GB variants of Moto G in India recently. Now the company has tied up with State Bank of India to offer 10% cashback on purchase of Moto G and Moto X with SBI credit or debit cards on Flipkart. This Independence day offer is only available for limited period.
Both the Moto G and Moto X got Android 4.4.4 (KitKat) update recently. There was a huge demand for Moto G when it was launched earlier this year. After the price cut the Moto G is still a decent smartphone at a starting price of Rs. 10,499, but Xiaomi Mi 3 seems a better buy at a slightly higher price tag of Rs. 13,999.
This offer is available from 12th August, till 18th August, 2014 (Both days included). Cashback will be debited to the respective card by or before 17th October 2014.