Image of Lumia 830 had surfaced online last month and the phone was spotted with ‘Nokia by Microsoft’ branding. Today, the phone has visited Brazilian FCC Anatel who has also leaked more photos of the phone.
The leaked photos show the phone under the model number RM-985 in full black with volume, power/lock, and a dedicated camera button situated on the right side of the device. The phone has the round camera at the back which is expected to be a 13 MP PureView along with lens made by Zeiss. Internals of the phone have “Microsoft Mobile” branding while in the front it still bears the Nokia branding. As per Anatel documents, the purported handset measures 139.4 mm x 70.7 mm x 8.5 mm, making it thinner than a number of Lumia handsets.
The phone will have a removable battery and back cover and physical navigation buttons which are usually present in most Windows Phone handsets. Also, Lumia 830 will support microSD card slot along with 4G LTE. Unfortunately the Brazil Anatel did not reveal any further information about the specifications of the Lumia 830 right now except that it might have a 4.5 or 4.7 inch screen.
Microsoft is holding an event on September 4th at IFA where it might announce the Lumia 830.