Samsung unveiled the Galaxy K zoom, successor of last year’s Galaxy S4 zoom back in April. It launched the camera-centric smartphone in India last month, priced at Rs. 29,990. We already brought you a quick comparison between the two smartphones from the Singapore launch, here we have the detailed hardware comparison between the K zoom and the S4 zoom.
The Samsung Galaxy K zoom has a 4.8-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) HD Super AMOLED display, while the S4 zoom comes with a 4.3 inch (960 x 540 pixels) qHD Super AMOLED display. Even though the display size varies, both the smartphone look almost similar from the back.
The K zoom has a 2-megapixel front-facing camera, while the S4 zoom comes with a 1.9-megapixel camera. Both these have an earpiece on the top along with the usual set of sensors.
These have Samsung’s signature home button and backlit capacitive touch buttons.
The K zoom runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat) out of the box. The S4 zoom was launched running Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) and it recently got the KitKat update in Russia.
The K zoom has a dotted design, compared to the shiny outer body on the S4 zoom. The smooth design on the K zoom makes it look premium.
The K zoom has a 20.7 Mega pixel 1/2.3 BSI CMOS Sensor and 24-240mm, F3.1-6.3 lens. The Galaxy S4 zoom has a 16 Megapixel 1/2.3″ CMOS sensor and 24-240mm, F3.1-F6.3 lens.
Both these have 10x optical zoom.
Even though the lens is bigger on the K zoom, the side of the body and the lens portion is considerably smaller compared to the S4 zoom.
Both these have a micro USB slot and a secondary microphone on the bottom.
These have 3.5mm audio jack and a secondary microphone on the top. The S4 zoom has a IR LED on the top, which is absent in the K zoom.
These have power button, volume rockers and the dedicated camera key on the side. Compared to the huge round power button on the S4 zoom, the wide button is smaller.
Both these have microSD cards on the other side. The S4 zoom had a hole camera mount, which is absent in the K zoom.
The front cover is removable in the K zoom, which houses the battery and a SIM slot under it. The battery and the SIM slots are present on the sides in the S4 zoom.
The 2,430mAh battery in the K zoom is slightly higher than the 2,330mAh battery in the S4 zoom.
The K zoom has 2GB RAM, 8GB of internal storage and is powered by a 1.7 GHz Dual Core + 1.3 GHz Quad Core Exynos (5260) processor with Mali-T624 GPU. The S4 zoom has 1.5GB RAM, 4GB internal storage and is powered by a 1.5 GHz dual-core Exynos 4212 processor with Mali 400MP4 GPU. We recently reviewed the Galaxy K zoom, check out the review here.