Oppo N1 Mini is the company’s latest camera-centric smartphone with a 206-degree swivel camera that was launched in India last month. It has the same 13 Megapixel camera with 1/3.06″ Sony EXMOR RS sensor, six-element lens and an aperture of f2.0 that we had seen on the Oppo N1. It has a single LED flash, compared to dual LEDs on the Oppo N1. This comes in a smaller package and is smaller than the N1.
There are several camera modes such as Landscape, Sunset, Portrait, Night, Auto and Sports. It also has some shooting modes such as Audio photo, Slow shutter, Panorama, HDR, Beautify, Colorful night, Ultra-HD and Normal. Let us check out some camera samples (click the image to view the full resolution picture) below.
Images were good in ideal lighting conditions, but some images look washed out and under exposed if it’s a cloudy day. But the images have great details, just like the Oppo N1.
Ultra HD
The Oppo N1 Mini can capture images at 24-megapixels in the Ultra HD mode. This just increases the resolution of the images by stitching more images together, similar to the Super Zoom mode in the Find 7. This definitely offers more details since it has more resolution, but the quality is the same.
HDR shots are good and are brighter than the normal shots since the saturation is more.
Macro shots are pretty good with great details, thanks to the f/2.0 sensor. These shots have less noise, but some images in low lighting conditions are not bright and look washed out.
Low Light
Low light shots are good too, but it can’t handle completely dark conditions, but there is flash for that. It even has night mode, but you need to hold the camera still for blur-free shots in the night mode.
Singled LED flash offers ample amount of light to brighten the environment in dark. Even if you are shooting a close object, it doesn’t look washed out.
Long Exposure
The slow shutter mode takes advantage of the custom hardware and software to capture which lets you take pictures with up to 32 seconds of shutter speed. You need a tripod for shake-free images. Since it has f2.0 aperture, light trail of traffic is washed out with 32 seconds shutter speed.
Video Sample
It can record videos at 1080p full HD resolution. The stereo microphones help in recording clear audio. It can also record slow motion videos at 120 fps in 480p resolution. Check out the full HD video sample.